السبت، 7 سبتمبر 2013

الفرق بين الروابط الأيونية والتساهمية The difference between covalent and ionic bonds

Comparison chart

Covalent BondsIonic Bonds
Formation:covalent bond is formed between two non-metals that have similar electronegativities. Neither atom is "strong" enough to attract electrons from the other. For stabilization, they share their electrons from outer molecular orbit with othersAn ionic bond is formed between a metal and a non-metal. Non-metals(-ve ion) are "stronger" than the metal(+ve ion) and can get electrons very easily from the metal. These two opposite ions attract each other and form the ionic bond.
Shape:Definite shapeNo definite shape
Melting point:lowHigh
?What is itCovalent bonding is a form of chemical bonding between two non metallic atoms which is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms and other covalent bonds.Ionic bond, also known as electrovalent bond is a type of bondformed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound. These kinds of bondsoccur mainly between a metallic and a non metallic atom.
Boiling point:LowHigh
Examples:Methane (CH4), Hydro Chloric acid (HCl)Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4 )
Occurs between:Two non-metalsOne metal and one non-metal
State at room temperature:Liquid or gaseousSolid

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